DIY zero waste cleaning hacks
zero waste, DIY spring clean, cleaning products, easy to make, hacks, vegan
Yes it’s that time of year again when the longer brighter days make us realise how utterly filthy our houses are (or maybe that is just me?!)
Our knowledgeable Chrissy @chrissy_hazel_holmes has shared with us and you a few of her favourite homemade cleaning recipes
They are really effective and so easy to make! Scroll down to see:
Toilet Cleaner (best ever)
• empty all the water out of the toilet bowl. A small plastic cup or ladle will do the trick.
• Pour in 100/150g of citric acid followed by a 1.5 litres (contents of kettle) of boiling water
• leave for 30 minutes
• scrub thoroughly and flush
De-scale Kettle
•tbsp citric acid
• inch worth of water (enough to cover element/base plate of water)
Pour the citric acid into the empty kettle and then add the water ensuring the base plate/element is covered. Switch on the kettle and as it heats up, you will see the limescale fizzing as it reacts with the acid! And ta-da!

Multi Surface Cleaner
• 500ml boiled water
• 2 tbsp citric acid
• essential oils (optional)
Mix the citric acid with the water and allow to cool before adding to your spray bottle. I like tea tree/ eucalyptus essential oils in my bathroom cleaner and lemon in my kitchen.
*Disclaimer: use with caution on very delicate sufaces or varnished wood. It is worth doing a sense check beforehand.
Scouring Scrub
• 1 cup castile soap
• 3 cups of water
• Bicarbonate of soda
You can use this effective castile soap scrub cleaner in your kitchen or bathroom. Mix the castile soap with the water in a spray bottle. Shake some bicarbonate soda and then spray the cleaning solution on the area that needs to be cleaned. Use a sponge or brush to scrub away any dirt or grime
All ingredients available in store
But now tell me your favourite DIY cleaning hacks?? Please share and let us know how it goes! Chrissy